Laser Dental Therapy in Marble Falls, TX

What is Laser Dental Therapy? Laser Dental Therapy is a new innovative type of dental care that is less invasive when dealing with gum surgery, cavity treatment, and other oral issues.

What Is It

Dentists and other medical professionals have started using lasers to alter or remove very small amounts of tissue. Dentists can use lasers in a variety of procedures involving the mouth. These can range from removing tissues to reshaping gums to whitening your teeth. Sometimes, laser dentistry is ideal for children who become anxious or afraid when having dental work done.

What Laser Dentistry Can Treat

Most issues laser dentistry are related to gums. Some of these include:

  • Canker sore cold sore pain treatments
  • Treating root canals
  • Treating gum disease
  • Gum reshaping
  • Biopsies
  • Wisdom teeth
  • Regenerating damaged nerves

Benefits of Laser Dentistry

Laser dentistry is known for allowing procedures to go more smoothly and also reduce discomfort and recovery time. Some other benefits include:

  • Patients are less likely to require sutures
  • Anesthesia may not be necessary in some cases
  • Infections are less likely because lasers sterilize the gums
  • Shorter recovery times because the laser does less damage to surrounding tissues
  • Patients lose less blood than traditional surgery

What Happens During Procedures with Laser Therapy

When you come in to Main Street Dental for your dentistry appointment, you might be surprised to know that the process is almost the same as other appointments. If you are receiving an invasive surgery like tooth fillings, you may receive anesthesia, though it will be a lot less than normal. Everything is very similar to before except, during the procedure you will not feel any vibrations or discomfort like you would with a drill.

Post-Operative Expectations

If you do have an invasive surgery with the laser, expect the post-operative experience to be a lot smoother than surgery with other dental tools. The laser causes far less bleeding than a metal dental tool might, so recovery will be a lot faster and pain will be a lot less. Plus, the laser disinfects the area around the incision so infection is less likely to happen. Even so, it is still important to follow post operative cleaning and care to prevent further injuries.

If Laser Dental Therapy is something you want to know about or use for your next procedure, contact us at 830-798-0844.